Audrey Côté Saint-Onge
Audrey Côté Saint-Onge has been working the field of the arts for over six decades in the Edmundston region. She serves a cause, that of culture. Her career was quickly directed towards community cultural development, whether regionally, provincially and nationally.
Great educator, intellectual anchored in the artistic action, her deep knowledge, her rich and various experiences all make her a respected and admired citizen.
Born in Rivière-Verte, on June 5th, 1922, Audrey Côté Saint-Onge has had a 46-year long career in the education field, as principal, administrator and teacher. She knows how to create cultural events and to praise people in their actions. On top of having supported many organizations, she is the instigator of many cultural events in the Madawaska region, on an education level and at large.
She is a model for all generations who recognize her commitment, her tireless work, her will to succeed, define and acknowledge community culture as well as regional and provincial artists.
Audrey Côté Saint-Onge is the founder of the Association culturelle du Haut-Saint-Jean, with which she has been involved since its creation in 1975. She has always worked for the quality of teaching, the French language, the arts, and the recognition of artists. She has sat on the board of directors of many cultural organizations in the province and in our country namely the Fédération culturelle des Canadiens français and the Conseil provincial des Sociétés culturelles. She also co-chaired the Premier’s Advisory Committee on the Arts from which the report led to the creation of the New Brunswick Arts Board (NBAB).
Behind the woman of action also hides an artist. She has taken part in many exhibitions.
Audrey Côté Saint-Onge is a member of the Order of La Pléiade de l’Assemblée internationale des parlementaires de langue française. She is a recipient of the Excellence Award in the Arts (community development) awarded by the Government of New Brunswick, the Dr Albert-Sormany volunteer award from the Société des Acadiens et Acadiennes du Nouveau-Brunswick (SAANB) for her commitment and devotion to the advancement and fulfillment of the Acadian community, and the Prix Hommage, awarded at the Gala des Éloizes 2005, for her contribution in the field of the arts. She holds an honorary doctorate from the Université de Moncton.